If you find yourself sitting outside, watching a lacrosse game (and especially if you’re new to the sport)… it’s not uncommon to find yourself wondering about the size of the field… relative to more familiar fields (like soccer, for example). Following is a break down of the Girls Lacrosse Field – and this diagram covers all of the basic dimensions and field markings.
For more basic girls lacrosse info, check out our girls lacrosse beginners page!

Note: Field sizes by age group based on USALacrosse Girls Youth Rules as of 2023.
Girls LAX Field Basics
Field Dimensions (By Age Group):
Girls 8U-12U:
Fields are 60-70 yards long and 35-45 yards wide (max)
Girls 14U and Beyond:
Fields are Full Field, which is 110 yards long and 60 yards wide.
Field Marking Notes For Girls LAX:
Restraining Lines
These lines (shown in the above diagram) are not generally used for ages 12U and under.
Girls LAX Field FAQs
What are the dimensions of a girls field?
What size is a LAX field?
How far apart are the goals on a LAX field?
At what age do girls play on a full sized lacrosse field?
What are the markings on a girls LAX field?
What are the lines called on a girls LAX field?
Where is ‘the crease’ in lacrosse?